Tessler Plastic Surgery
Tessler Plastic Surgery


Augmentation-Mastopexy (Breast Lift with Implant)


<p>This very fit patient had breast augmentation in the past, and noticed that her natural breast tissue continued to descend, even though the implant stayed in place. This is commonly known as the "waterfall" deformity, as the breast tissue looks like it's "falling off" the implant. She also wanted to upsize her implants, so we performed a revision breast augmentation with upsize from 375 on the right/400cc on the left to 560cc on both sides, and then a breast lift. She is thrilled with her shape and size now!</p> <p>Follow up photos were taken at 2 months after surgery, so the scars are still in their healing stages, but already fading quickly.</p>



Oren Tessler, M.D.
Plastic Surgeon
Sergey Turin, M.D.
Plastic Surgeon