Tessler Plastic Surgery
Tessler Plastic Surgery

How to Ensure the Best Results After Plastic Surgery

Dec 11, 2021

Many people suffer from unpleasant aesthetic changes such as stubborn abdominal fat, facial wrinkles, and folds of skins in the upper arms. While lifestyle interventions such as diet and exercise can leave you feeling healthier, they may not always work. You may feel frustrated that you are stuck with these adverse changes for the rest of your life. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Plastic surgery provides one of the best avenues to alleviate aesthetic concerns and restore both form and function in both men and women. For patients who choose to move forward with this option, the following tips can help you make the most out of your plastic surgery in Phoenix AZ.

Understand your needs

The first step towards a successful plastic surgery procedure is to clearly understand your needs. What aesthetic or functional concern do you need to address? Is it a crooked nose, stubborn abdominal fat, or age-related facial lines? What is the best treatment method? Have you tried non-invasive alternatives such as exercise, facial ointments, and dietary changes? If everything else has not worked, then you are justified to pursue cosmetic surgery. You need to know exactly what issues are bugging you (and thus need to be addressed) and what precise requirements you are looking to achieve. This way, you will be starting your plastic surgery journey from a point of strength.

Conduct thorough research

Now that you know exactly what you need, the next step is to conduct thorough research to understand what options are available. Patients who are looking to address facial lines and wrinkles may benefit from temporary non-invasive treatments such as BOTOX and dermal fillers. However, if you are keen to create a lasting solution, then facelift surgery may ultimately be what you need. It all depends on your specific concerns. There are mountains of information on the internet regarding any plastic surgery procedure. You get to learn how to prepare for the procedure, what surgical techniques are used, what you can expect during recovery, and much more. Once you approach this from a point of information, you’ll notice it’s easier to plan and that everything seems to fall into place.

Select the right surgeon

Selecting the right plastic surgeon is another important aspect of getting your plastic surgery right. Most cosmetic procedures have very high patient satisfaction rates, but getting the right specialist ensures that you entrust your treatment to the right pair of hands. Start by conducting a search in your town or city and create a list of some of the best-ranking plastic surgeons. Check out their reviews on third-party platforms such as Yelp and RealSelf and browse before and after photos. This way, you should be able to narrow down to at least one or two plastic surgeons with whom you can set up a consultation visit. During this one-on-one visit, you’ll be able to ask precise questions and learn more about the surgeons’ style and approach. It is absolutely important that you only work with plastic surgeons who are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). This is an independent certifying body that accredits plastic surgeons who adhere to the highest standards of safety and patient care.

Get ready for the surgery

Now that you know what you want and have a surgeon to work with, the next logical step is to prepare for your surgery. The precise preparation steps will be determined by the type of plastic surgery you are planning to have. Generally, though, plastic surgeons require that you are in good physical and mental shape before they agree to move forward with the procedure. You also need to have realistic expectations about what the treatment can achieve. You’ll be asked to quit smoking because nicotine can impair wound healing and increase the risk of complications. Your plastic surgeon will also ask that you stop drinking and taking certain medications and herbal supplements that are known to increase the risk of bleeding.

Take care of yourself during recovery

Taking care of yourself during recovery is very important so you get the results you desire from your plastic surgery. Your surgeon’s office should provide detailed aftercare instructions that you should strictly adhere to in order to ensure a quick and uninterrupted recovery. Among other things, you should focus on a healthy diet, stay hydrated, get enough rest, take prescription medication, and avoid strenuous activities. Your plastic surgeon’s office should be available throughout the recovery process to provide any support and guidance that you may need.