Tessler Plastic Surgery
Tessler Plastic Surgery

Brazilian Butt Lift


Brazilian Butt Lift Phoenix AZ

Using Enhanced Viability Fat Transfer Technology


Many women have a flat behind due to weight fluctuations, the natural aging process, and hereditary characteristics. Plastic surgeons have various options that they can use to alleviate this concern. For example, suppose you desire the voluptuous and curvy buttock contour seen in some celebrities. In that case, a Brazilian butt lift, also known as a BBL, is likely the procedure for you. This cosmetic surgery treatment utilizes the process of liposuction to harvest excess fat from one area and use it to augment your butt. As a result, many patients who receive this aesthetic procedure achieve an extremely desirable, fuller, shapelier, and rounder buttock without artificial implants.

Phoenix plastic surgeons at Tessler Plastic Surgery perform Brazilian butt lifts with EVFT technology to improve the appearance of a flat and deflated behind with faster, more predictable results than standard(more outdated) BBL. Tessler Plastic Surgery has helped numerous women from Scottsdale, Phoenix, Gilbert, Glendale, Mesa, Paradise Valley, and nearby AZ cities achieve a curvier and more aesthetically pleasing body with plastic surgery. The surgeons understand that the needs of different women concerning their buttock area are unique and work to create a highly customized treatment plan to suit the needs of each BBL patient.

The Brazilian butt lift is one of the fastest-growing cosmetic surgeries in the US. In 2019, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reported that more than 28,000 of these procedures were performed in the US alone. That was a 17% increase from the previous year. Over the years, this procedure has been popularized by celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, Nicki Minaj, and Kim Kardashian-West, whose voluminous behinds have sparked a new craze in the once-celebrated hourglass figure. However, it is essential to note that a Brazilian butt lift is not the same thing as butt lift surgery. A butt lift does not add volume to the butt. Instead, it removes excess skin and fat to achieve a tighter buttock appearance.

Latest: EVFT Brazilian Butt Lift


  • Up to 300% / 3x greater rate of fat graft take
  • Bigger, more reliable, more predictable results
  • FDA Cleared – Proven product
  • Exclusivity: Only doctors in Arizona offering EVFT BBL
  • No extra cost than regular fat grafting
  • Less doctor visits to achieve your desired volume

About the Brazilian Butt Lift

While buttock augmentation has been around since the 1960s, Brazilian plastic surgeon Dr. Ivo Pitanguy was widely credited with advancing the Brazilian butt lift. Dr. Pitanguy borrowed from decades of innovation in the field to master the Brazilian butt lift, performing the technique on the rich and famous and popularizing it around the world. In the early days of breast augmentation, generally only techniques such as excess skin removal and implants were used to achieve the face, breast, and body design enhancements. It was not until the 1980s that liposuction was used as a standardized technique for performing buttock enlargement with fat grafting.

Candidates for Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) in Phoenix, AZ

A Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is a plastic surgery procedure that uses fat harvested from elsewhere in the body to improve the size and shape of the buttocks. Since this procedure uses natural fat extracted from the patient’s own body – rather than artificial implants – it leads to a natural-looking result. You may be a good candidate for this cosmetic treatment if:

  • You are in excellent physical and emotional health
  • You wish to address a lack of buttock size, fullness, and shape due to genetics, age, or weight fluctuations
  • You desire a voluminous, rounded, and curvier butt
  • You have a healthy skin tone with no excessive sagging in the lower buttocks
  • You have excess fatty tissue in unwanted areas
  • You are able to stop smoking and stop drinking alcohol for the specified duration of time, usually at least 3 weeks before and after the procedure
  • You comprehend and understand the risks and rewards of this treatment

Our surgeons will reserve your first visit at the Phoenix office to understand your needs and goals. The surgeon will listen to your concerns, ask questions, and learn about your medical history before letting you know whether this procedure is best suited for you. Since a Brazilian butt lift is a highly individualized procedure, our surgeons emphasize that each patient ensures they are having this surgery out of their own volition, not because someone else asked.


Benefits of the BBL

The BBL is one of the top ‘trendy’ cosmetic procedures today. It offers many unique benefits including:

      • Improved body proportions – This is one of the main reasons why many people choose to undergo this plastic surgery. It enhances and reshapes your butt, modifying the natural curvature of your body. Many women enjoy desirably bigger buttocks or the popular hourglass figure after receiving a BBL.
      • Reduced fat in other parts of the body – During a BBL cosmetic surgery, the surgeon will borrow fat from other parts of the body (where it is in excess) and use it to augment the buttocks. This gives you a bonus benefit of contouring the donor areas, which may include the stomach, hips, love handles, or thighs.
      • Natural look and feel – While implants and artificial fillers are often used to augment the butt, they often lead to unnatural looking results. This more so true if and when your body changes (i.e. due weight gain or weight loss). On the other hand, the BBL uses natural fat deposits from the patient’s own body to add volume and shape to the buttocks. This means the new butt will look and feel natural, as well as change naturally should you lose or gain weight.
      • Better fitting clothing – There are many different pieces of clothing that just look better with a bigger butt. This may include your jeans and dresses that go in at the waistline. Many women find that they have a more varied choice of clothing that they can look attractive in.
      • Quick results – While dieting and exercise can improve your body contour, it does not always lead to the results you are looking for. The Brazilian butt lift is an excellent procedure choice to achieve your aesthetic goals. The surgery is completed within a couple of hours and scarring is not something you should worry about.
      • Cellulite fix – The BBL improves the size and volume of the buttocks while also reducing the appearance of cellulite in the buttocks and thighs. This means both your butt and legs will look toned and visibly more attractive.

It takes an artistic eye to achieve an excellent outcome with the Brazilian butt lift procedure. Dr. Tessler is excited to help design each patient’s goals and uses his extensive experience to deliver the best possible result. Whatever your motivations may be, Dr. Tessler will create a highly customized treatment plan to reach your goals.


Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery Approach

Brazilian butt lift is considered to be an outpatient procedure that is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon’s anesthesiologist will start by administering anesthetic in order to keep you safe and comfortable throughout the procedure. Dr. Tessler will then use liposuction to remove fat from other parts of the body where it is unwanted (tummy, thighs, love handles, hips, etc). Once the fat is extracted, it is processed and then re-injected to the buttock via small incisions. Dr. Tessler takes great care to conceal the incisions in areas where they are well concealed. It is normal for the body to absorb some of the fat that is injected (up to 30%) over time. For this reason, a high level of precision and artistry is needed to deliver a successful procedure outcome. Dr. Tessler’s BBL patients enjoy a dramatic buttock enhancement with the desired volume and projection. Since you will be allowed to go home on the same day as the surgery, it is important you have someone to drive you home as well as help out with basic chores for a day or two.


Recovery after your Brazilian Butt Lift in AZ

Immediately after the BBL plastic surgery, a special compression garment will be provided that should be worn for up to 6 weeks. This garment is important because it helps control swelling and shape your results. It is not uncommon to experience swelling and bruising over the coming weeks, but these tend to subside with time as the treated areas heal. Dr. Tessler will provide pain medication to increase your comfort level, as well as antibiotics to prevent an infection. Over the first few days in recovery, your buttocks will feel slightly firm but then soften with time. Dr. Tessler encourages his BBL patients to walk around as soon as they can after surgery in order to promote proper blood flow. Sutures are typically removed after about a week. Many of Dr. Tessler’s patients are able to return to work within 2 weeks after this procedure. However, sitting on your buttocks and engaging in strenuous activities should be avoided until you get the green light from the surgeon. It is important that you attend all post-operative visits as well as strictly adhere to Dr. Tessler’s recovery instructions in order to ensure a speedy and uninterrupted recovery.

How Much Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Cost?

Dr. Tessler performs butt lift procedures at accredited healthcare facilities. He works with a full-time anesthesiologist and is supported by highly professional nursing staff. The cost of Brazilian butt lift surgery varies greatly depending on the extensiveness of the treatment, facility and medication fees, and the surgeon’s fees, among other factors. On average, most of Dr. Tessler’s BBL patients in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Gilbert, and nearby AZ areas can expect to pay between $8,000 and $10,000 for this treatment. Insurance companies do not pay for any type of butt lift because it is considered to be an elective cosmetic procedure. During your initial consultation at Dr. Tessler’s office, the surgeon’s team will provide an initial cost estimate so you can make arrangements for financing.

Dr. Tessler’s Credentials

Oren Tessler, MD, is a board-certified plastic surgeon serving the Phoenix, AZ area. Dr. Tessler is highly proficient in multiple plastic surgery techniques, including body contouring, breast procedures, and maxillofacial procedures. Dr. Tessler earned his MD – MBA at McGill University. His plastic and reconstructive surgical training was concluded at McGill University followed by his fellowship training at Harvard University, both of which are the best and top ranked medical programs throughout the U.S. and Canada. He was appointed as an assistant and associate professor of Plastic Surgery at Louisiana State University and Tulane University. Dr. Tessler has also served as Director of Plastic Surgery at University Medical Center, as well as contributed research and trained dozens of upcoming plastic surgeons who also now perform the Brazilian butt lift. Dr. Tessler’s passion lies in restoring form and function and improving the quality of life of his patients. He brings a friendly and personalized approach to plastic surgery while working with highly qualified anesthesiologists and other support staff who strive to deliver the best Brazilian butt lift Phoenix, AZ has to offer.

Average Cost

$8,000 – $10,000

Recovery Time

Up to 6 Weeks

Procedure Time

Same Day


Not covered


Frequently Asked Questions

Brazilian Butt Lift FAQ


How do I prepare for my Brazilian butt lift surgery?

Taking the time to prepare for your butt augmentation with fat grafting can help alleviate some of the anxiety associated with this treatment. Dr. Tessler recommends that patients maintain a healthy diet before and after the surgery. Exercising is important prior to the surgery because it tones the muscles around your upper legs and buttocks. Studies also show that patients who are close to their ideal body weight and are in excellent cardiovascular shape tend to recover faster. Make sure to avoid smoking and drinking at least 2 weeks before and after the surgery. Last but not least, ensure you stock up with all the supplies that you will need during your recovery. Following your buttocks lift consultation with Dr. Tessler, the surgeon will tell you exactly what you need to do in order to ensure a successful procedure outcome.


How long will results last?

Following a Brazilian butt lift surgery, up to 30% of the injected fat can be reabsorbed by the body. However, the remaining fat stays in your butt for many years. Dr. Tessler recommends that patients maintain a steady weight and a healthy lifestyle in order to get the best out of this treatment. Keep in mind that major weight gain or loss can have a significant negative impact on the result of this treatment.


What is the Difference using EVFT and Standard Fat Transfer for a BBL?

EVFT, or Enhanced Viability Fat Transfer technology, uses a wash to increase the fat cells’ survival rate. As a result, patients can expect up to a 300% increase in fat graft take. This helps patients achieve the desired results faster, with fewer doctor visits for the same price as a standard BBL.

Will a BBL remove excess skin?

Many people tend to confuse a BBL with a typical buttock lift. In a conventional buttock lift, the goal of the surgery is to remove excess skin and tissue in order to achieve a tighter behind (without enlargement). On the other hand, a Brazilian butt lift improves both the shape and size of the buttocks through the process of fat transfer. Excess fat is removed from other parts of the body where it is not needed and then injected into the buttocks in order to achieve the desired aesthetic appearance.

Can I borrow excess fat from a friend?

Some patients ask whether it is possible to use excess fat from a friend to augment their buttocks. This is not possible. If fat from another person was used, it would be considered as a foreign object by your body and thus destroyed. If you do not have adequate reserves of fat in other parts of your body for butt augmentation with fat transfer, the surgeon may recommend that you consider other options such as implants or gain weight.

Will I be able to sit?

Following buttock enhancement with fat grafting surgery, it will take several weeks before you can sit on your behinds as you normally do. Our surgeons and their team will show you how to sit and rest while you recover from this procedure.


Is this procedure only for women?

While most patients who receive a Brazilian butt lift are women, this treatment is also open and available to men. Keep in mind though that this surgery is performed for different reasons for men. For men, the goal is usually to maintain a masculine shape.