Pre Op Preparation Tips for Plastic Surgery

Dec 19, 2021

The steps you take in the weeks before your plastic surgery procedure can mean all the difference between a rough and smooth experience. To start with, planning ahead helps put your mind at ease and alleviates some of the anxiety associated with surgical treatment. It’ll also prepare your body to better cope with the surgery. This post offers some pre-operative tips to help you optimize your plastic surgery experience.

Stop taking certain medications and supplements

Dr. Oren Tessler and other plastic surgeons will in fact require that you stop taking medications and supplements that are known to increase the risk of bleeding. This includes drugs such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It is important that you share your existing prescriptions with the surgeon during the preoperative stages of the surgery and keenly follow through with these instructions (in order to ensure your safety during the plastic surgery).

Quit smoking and drinking

Plastic surgery patients are usually asked to quit smoking at least 6 weeks before the date of the surgery. This is important because cigarettes and other nicotine products are known to limit oxygen flow and increase the risk of complications. Patients can indeed use this opportunity to stop smoking for good. Another important preparation tip is to stop drinking. Alcohol increases the risk of bleeding and should thus be avoided before undergoing surgical procedures.

Adopt healthy diet and lifestyle habits

Patients who are healthy and in good physical shape tend to cope better with the surgery and subsequent recovery. Dr. Tessler and other plastic surgeons recommend that you maintain a proper diet and exercise to increase your chances of a speedy and smooth recovery. Focus on a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Stay hydrated by drinking the required daily amount of water and healthy beverages. Exercising in the weeks before your plastic surgery can also help make your body strong and resilient. Aim to engage in at least 30 minutes of exercising about three times per week.

Get someone to drive you home

Once you are discharged from the hospital after surgery, you’ll most likely need someone to drive you home and help out with basic chores. Get in touch with a close friend or relative and ask them to take you home and stay with you for a couple of days. Keep in mind that you might not be able to accomplish much (including taking care of kids and/or pets) in the early days of recovery. You want to make sure that you have everything ironed out before you go to surgery.

Make plans for recovery

You won’t be able to rush to the market and run errands once you are discharged from the hospital after surgery. For this reason, you need to stock up with your recovery supplies and create a comfortable area within your home where you can relax. Consider getting lots of pillows (so you can sleep and rest comfortably), ice packs, and prescription medication. It is also important that you bring your favorite entertainment accessories to your rest area. These may include books, your laptop (so you can watch Netflix), DVDs, and more. Just make sure that you have everything set up ahead of time so you don’t have to be unnecessarily stressed during recovery.

Stay focused

Last but not least is mental preparation. Choosing to have plastic surgery is a highly personal decision that can take a toll on our mental well-being. You might be overly anxious about how the procedure will go. Will I have noticeable scarring? Could I catch a complication? What will the results of my plastic surgery look like? These are some of the many things that might rush through your brain. The important thing is to stay focused on preparation and share these thoughts and anxieties with a friend or your plastic surgeon. Do your homework to learn as much as you can about the procedure you are looking to have and stay in constant communication with your plastic surgeon’s office in Phoenix AZ. Staying on top of things can help you feel calm and prepared about the upcoming treatment.


Adhering to these plastic surgery pre-op preparation tips can go a long way to make sure that you have a successful procedure. Make sure to ask questions if you have any and share your concerns with your plastic surgeon at any time before the procedure.