Tessler Plastic Surgery
Tessler Plastic Surgery

Postoperative Recovery Tips for Plastic Surgery

Dec 27, 2021

Undergoing plastic surgery can be an important step to help you achieve your aesthetic goals and desires. You might be eager to see the successful outcome of the procedure and the recovery stretch may seem more like an inconvenience. However, your body needs to take it slow in order to facilitate proper and timely healing. Keep in mind that what you do during your plastic surgery can make or break your results. In this blog post, we explore 8 crucial tips to help you recover better and faster following cosmetic surgery.

Move around

Plastic surgeons typically recommend that you move around as soon as you can after the surgery (within the first 48 hours). This is important in order to promote blood flow and reduce the risk of blood clot formation. Staying in bed all day and night long does not help anything. So make sure to walk for a couple of minutes when you are up to it. You do not need to go outside to do this. Just moving from one room to the other (and back) within our house is enough to get the blood pumping and promote healing.

Take it easy

However eager you are to see the results of your plastic surgery, don’t ‘tough it out’ through the recovery process. Ignoring the pain at this time will only make things worse. And so does handling household chores or juggling between work and rest. Your body needs time to rest and rebuild its strength. Make sure that you rest as much as you can. Stay away from work and any activities that may raise your blood pressure and increase the risk of bleeding, bruising, and inflammation.

Watch your diet

Now that you are out of surgery and recovering, your body needs to be nourished with all the important nutrients in order to recover promptly. Focus on a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Stay hydrated by drinking enough water or other healthy beverages on a daily basis. Keep in mind that water helps flush out toxins and promotes healing in tissues. Consider working with a nutritionist or consult your surgeon’s office to learn what dietary practices you need to adopt during this important phase of your surgery.

Take medication

Most patients suffer from bruises, swelling, and discomfort following surgical cosmetic procedures. Your plastic surgeon will prescribe painkillers to relieve this discomfort and antibiotics to prevent infections. Make sure you take these medications as prescribed by your doctor. Your doctor knows what is best for your body and every drug provided during recovery should be taken seriously.

Avoid smoking

Quitting smoking is an important requirement especially during the preparation stages of your plastic surgery. But you also need to carry on with this throughout the recovery. In fact, some patients use this milestone to stop smoking and adopt other healthy lifestyle choices in the future. Nicotine in cigarettes and other tobacco products reduces oxygen supply in blood and thus directly impairs wound healing.

Follow instructions

Following your plastic surgery in Phoenix AZ, your plastic surgeon will provide important instructions that you should adhere to throughout the recovery process. You will be told how to take care of your incision sites, compression garments, and drains (if inserted). Follow these instructions to the letter in order to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted recovery. If you have any questions, make sure to get in touch with your surgeon’s office for clarification.

Have a support system

Recovering after plastic surgery can be tough. You may have a lot of things running through your head. The tiniest hint of pain and discomfort may bug you and give you the impression that something might be wrong. It is important that you have a friend or family member with whom you can share your progress with. Don’t keep your feelings to yourself especially if you are anxious about the kind of outcome you are going to see from the procedure. Your surgeon’s office should be available throughout the recovery duration to provide the support and guidance you have. In some severe cases, seeking professional help can help you cope with all the feelings.

Minimize sun exposure

Excessive exposure to the sun should be avoided during your recovery from plastic surgery. The key is to avoid sun damage to the skin and scar tissue in the treatment areas. Your surgeon may recommend that you wear sunscreen and clothing that protects your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. If you are wearing a compression garment, it is important to avoid excess heat so that you are not sweating within the garment (which could dehydrate you).


Recovery is an important part of your plastic surgery experience. Following through with these tips should help you get back up as soon as possible. In any case, your surgeon’s office should be available to help out and answer questions.