Breast Revision


Breast Augmentation Revision Phoenix AZ

Breast augmentation has one of the highest satisfaction rates among cosmetic procedures. However, some women are not pleased with the outcome of their augmentation for one reason or the other. Luckily, skilled plastic surgeons can perform a secondary procedure – known as a breast revision – in order to correct or adjust the results of a previous breast enhancement surgery. When considering breast revision surgery, plastic surgeons start by diagnosing the problem, which means focusing on the cause of dissatisfaction. Once this is done, the surgeon will create an appropriate revision plan to meet your needs and desires. The majority of women who receive a revision breast surgery find that they feel happier and more positive.

Revision breast augmentation surgery tends to be more complicated than the initial procedure, typically because there may be less skin and breast tissue available. More so, a certain amount of trauma is already inflicted on the surrounding muscle and supportive tissue. It is important for breast revision patients to work with a highly-skilled specialist who has a keen eye for detail in order to achieve a satisfactory outcome once and for all.

Phoenix plastic surgeons Dr. Tessler and Dr. Turin perform breast implant revision in order to change or improve the appearance of female breasts. Dr. Tessler and Dr. Turin have helped numerous patients from Phoenix, Scottsdale, Gilbert, and surrounding AZ cities boost their self-confidence and self-esteem with this procedure. The surgeon understands that the needs of different women are unique and works to create a highly customized treatment plan to suit the needs of each patient.

Who is a Candidate for Breast Revision?

Breast revision surgery usually involves the removal and replacement of implants for an initial breast augmentation procedure. Patients may elect to receive this treatment in order to improve the appearance of their breasts or to correct complications resulting from the original breast implants procedure. You may be a good candidate for this corrective treatment if:

  • You are in excellent physical and emotional health
  • You are dissatisfied with the original size of your breast implants (i.e. you want a larger or smaller size)
  • You are unhappy with the outcome of your original breast augmentation surgery
  • You have capsular contracture – an often painful condition caused by the formation of scar tissue around the implant
  • You have other breast implants complications such as rippling, rupture, or deflation
  • You comprehend and understand the risks and rewards of this treatment

Dr. Tessler and Dr. Turin will reserve your first visit at his Phoenix office to understand your needs and goals. The surgeon will listen to your concerns, ask questions, and learn about your medical history. Once the surgeon establishes the cause of your dissatisfaction, he will create an individualized revision plan to suit your needs. It is important that you are very honest with the surgeon so he can manage your expectations and ensure the best possible outcome. Keep in mind that factors such as pregnancy or plans for weight loss can impact the outcome of breast implants revision surgery.


Reasons for Breast Revision

Many women choose to have breast augmentation revision due to any of the following reasons:

  • Dissatisfaction with breast size – Following an initial breast enhancement procedure, some patients are dissatisfied with the size. They feel that the new implants are either too large or too small for their liking. The surgeon will correct this by replacing the initial implants in order to achieve the desired breast size and volume. This happens to be one of the less complicated breast revision procedures.
  • Breast implant deflation – It is not uncommon for breast implants to leak or rupture. In fact, an analysis published on the NIH website reveals that there is a 3-5% risk of implant rupture within 3 years after breast augmentation. This risk goes up to between 7 and 10% at the 10-year mark. When saline implants rupture or leak, they lead to a deflated breast appearance. Although there is no health concern associated with this, most patients are dissatisfied with the aesthetic disfiguration. Silicone implants, on the other hand, can ‘leak’ silently without leading to a deflated breast appearance. Women who received this type of implant in their initial augmentation may need to undergo routine MRI imaging scans in order to detect possible leaks. Once your surgeon is presented with an implant leakage or rupture, he will create a plan to replace it with a new one. Since most implants come with some form of guarantee, part of the cost of the revision procedure may be covered by the implant manufacturer.
  • Capsular contracture – This is another common complication after breast augmentation surgery. Capsular contracture occurs when scar tissue surrounding the implant hardens and squeezes the implant into an uncomfortable and awkward position. This may be caused by bleeding or trauma around the implant, infection in the breast, or other unknown factors. According to one scientific literature review published on NIH, the risk of capsular contracture stands at 10.6 percent. The majority of these cases (about 75%) will occur within 2 years after the implant is placed. your surgeon will decide on the best revision approach to correct the capsular contracture after evaluating the patient and determining the severity of the issue.
  • Implant malpositioning – It is not uncommon for patients who received a breast augmentation to present with implant malpositioning at a later date. This occurs when the pocket holding the implant is too big or stretches, thus allowing the implant to drift out of place. Your surgeon may correct this issue by reducing the size of the implant pocket so it can adequately hold the implant.
  • Breast rippling – Wrinkling or rippling may occur at the edges of the implants, leading to an unnatural breast appearance. This is more common with saline implants, particularly with women who are thin with little natural breast tissue surrounding the implant. Dr. Tessler and Dr. Turin can correct this breast augmentation anomaly by replacing your original implants within a type and size that is better suited for your natural anatomy and frame. It may also be possible to address this issue by adding tissue coverage over the initial implants using fat grafting or Alloderm.
  • ‘Double Bubble’ deformity – This is a rare complication that manifests when implants descend below the normal breast fold. This creates the impression of a second bulge right beneath the breast. Double bubbling deformity may also cause the implant to move upwards, particularly when caused by capsular contracture. This leads to a deflated or loose appearance in the lower part of your chest. Dr. Tessler and Dr. Turin may perform additional procedures such as a breast lift during the revision in order to address this complication.
  • Change of implant type – Some women who received saline implants for one reason or the other – may prefer to replace them with silicone gel implants. This is more common for women who had a breast augmentation between 1993 and 2006 when the silicone option was off the market for cosmetic purposes.
  • Implant removal – Some women choose to have their breast implants removed altogether. This could be due to a change in lifestyle, a shift in cosmetic tastes, or waned dissatisfaction with the feel or look of the implants. For these patients, implant removal is the only preferred option. Dr. Tessler and Dr. Turin may perform a breast lift along with the revision in order to prevent a deflated appearance.

Regardless of your reason for considering breast revision surgery, Dr. Tessler and Dr. Turin will create an appropriate treatment plan to suit your goals. The surgeon knows that some of these procedures can be complex and will keep you involved through each step as he formulates the best way forward. Many of his breast augmentation revision patients enjoy an uplifting, excellent outcome after this procedure.


Prepare for Breast Revision Surgery

During one of your preoperative consultations with Dr. Tessler and Dr. Turin, the surgeon will listen to your expectations, examine your breasts to determine their physical condition, and assess the quality of your skin. Dr. Tessler and Dr. Turin will also study your medical history to establish factors that may affect the surgery such as a history of weight fluctuations, hormonal influences, pregnancy, or radiation injury. All the charts and operative reports available from your initial breast augmentation would be very helpful at this stage. Most women are required to undergo a mammogram that will be used as a baseline comparison later after the surgery. Dr. Tessler and Dr. Turin will ask that you quit smoking, and stop taking certain medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements. Make sure to strictly adhere to the surgeon’s pre-operative instructions, as well as stock up with lots of healthy meals and arrange a comfortable recovery area well before the surgery.

Breast Revision Procedure

Each breast revision procedure is performed based on the needs and goals of the patient. The surgeon will start by administering anesthetic (usually general anesthesia) in order to increase the patient’s safety and comfort throughout the surgery. An incision will be made around the areola or along the breast fold in order to remove the implant and eliminate the existing scar tissue. Saline implants are typically deflated before they are removed. The removal of silicone implants, on the other hand, is a more involved procedure that may also require the removal of some of the surrounding tissue and capsule. Once the original implant has been removed, the surgeon will insert a new one to achieve the desired breast shape and appearance. If the patient does not need to replace the implant, then the breast pocket will be tightened and incisions closed. During this surgery, Dr. Tessler and Dr. Turin may use the incision sites of your initial breast augmentation in order to reduce the risk of further scarring. Breast revision is completed within 1-3 hours, depending on the extensiveness of the procedure. Since this is an outpatient treatment, you will be allowed to go home to recover on the same day as the surgery. Make sure you have a trusted friend or family member available to drive you home once you are discharged from the medical facility.


Recovery for Breast Revision

Following your implant removal surgery, you will likely experience bruising, swelling, and some mild discomfort. These symptoms however dissipate within a few days and can be easily managed with medication. Patients who receive a replacement implant may be provided with a compression bra that should be worn over the next few weeks in order to help with healing. Most breast augmentation revision patients are able to resume routine work within 2 weeks after the surgery. Dr. Tessler and Dr. Turin will ask that you desist from engaging in any strenuous activity for at least 4 weeks after this procedure. It is important that you strictly adhere to the surgeon’s recovery instructions and attend all post-operative appointments in order to ensure speedy and uninterrupted healing.

Expected cost of Breast Revision in Phoenix, AZ

The cost of breast implants removal varies greatly depending on the needs of each patient and the extensiveness of the treatment. Insurance companies may cover breast revision surgery particularly if it is associated with uneven breasts, firm breast implants, capsular contractors, poor scars, breast deformities after surgery, ruptured implants, or wound healing issues. Make sure to contact your insurer for verification of insurance coverage for this procedure.

Dr. Oren Tessler’s Credentials

Oren Tessler, MD, is a board-certified plastic surgeon serving the Phoenix, Scottsdale, Gilbert, Mesa, Paradise Valley, and Chandler area. Dr. Tessler is highly proficient in multiple cosmetic surgery techniques, including breast procedures, abdominoplasty, body contouring, and maxillofacial surgery. Dr. Tessler earned his MD – MBA at McGill University. His plastic and reconstructive surgical training was concluded at McGill University followed by his fellowship training at Harvard University, both of which are the best and top ranked medical programs throughout the U.S. and Canada. He was appointed as an assistant and associate professor of Plastic Surgery at Louisiana State University and Tulane University. Dr. Tessler has also served as Director of Plastic Surgery at University Medical Center, as well as contributed research and trained dozens of upcoming plastic surgeons. Dr. Tessler’s passion lies in restoring form and function while improving the quality of life of his patients. He brings a friendly and personalized approach to plastic surgery while working with highly qualified anesthesiologists and other support staff who strives to deliver the best breast augmentation revision Phoenix has to offer.

Recovery Time

Resume routine work within 2 weeks

Procedure Time

Same Day


May or may not, check your insurance coverage


Frequently Asked Questions

Breast Revision FAQ


What are the benefits of breast revision?

When performed by a skilled, board certified plastic surgeon, breast augmentation revision allows women to repair an implant complication, resize their breast implants, restore aesthetics and comfort, and return to a natural breast look and feel. Dr. Tessler and Dr. Turin are keen professionals who is committed to results and patient safety. The surgeon takes each case as unique and creates a customized treatment plan to meet your goals.

Will I need to combine my revision with a breast lift?

It is possible for some women to have their implants removed or replaced without breast sagging. Most women, however, experience moderate to severe breast ptosis that will need to be corrected with a mastopexy (breast lift) procedure. This cosmetic procedure will help raise and restore the patient’s breasts in order to achieve a perkier, youthful appearance after the revision surgery. Dr. Tessler and Dr. Turin can perform mastopexy at the same time as the revision procedure, or at a later date. Make sure to discuss your aesthetic concerns and the need for a breast lift during your initial consultation with the surgeon.

Is breast revision painful?

Dr. Tessler and Dr. Turin perform breast augmentation revision under general anesthesia in order to increase your safety and comfort throughout the surgery. Many patients experience mild pain, swelling, and bruising in the first few days of recovery. However, the surgeon will provide appropriate pain medication to alleviate this discomfort.

Will there be scars?

Scarring is an inevitable consequence after any surgical procedure where incisions are made in the skin. Where possible, Dr. Tessler and Dr. Turin will use the incision lines of the original breast augmentation procedure in order to minimize scarring. If a new incision is needed, the surgeon will make sure that it is as minimal as possible, and hidden in areas where it is hardly visible. Following your breast augmentation revision, Dr. Tessler and Dr. Turin will provide scar care guidelines to help ensure that your scars fade well and become virtually invisible over time.

Silicone vs Saline implants

Many women who are looking forward to having their breast implants replaced have to choose between saline and silicone gel implants. Saline implants (which are inserted empty, then filled with a sterile saltwater solution) are available to women over the age of 18. They tend to be more affordable but are more prone to rippling and wrinkling. Silicone implants, on the other hand, come pre-filled with a silicone gel solution and are available to women over the age of 22. These are more expensive and lead to a more natural breast feel. Women who receive silicone implants are encouraged to undergo periodic MRI scan guidelines to make sure that the implant is working correctly. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), about 88% of the more than 313,000 women who received a breast augmentation in 2018 used a silicone implant. The remaining 12% used a saline implant.